Meditation nowadays is getting popular all over the world, especially in the westeren hemisphere. Many people meditate everyday and find it very helpful. It helps them to relax from their stressful day. It is not easy to define, what meditation is. Perhaps it is easier to say what meditation is not.
It is not a state of sleep.
It is not a state of hypnotism.
It is not a state of trance.
It is not a state of hypnotism.
It is not a state of trance.
It is not daydreaming.
It is not imagination.
It is not escaping from the reality.
It is not just thinking things over.
It is very difficult to explain the meditative state. It is like explaining how it feels to be in love with a girl/man to somebody who has never tried to fall in love. You have to experience it. In the same way you have to experience to enter and feel the meditative state.
If we study our mind for a whole day, we will notice that our feelings and thoughts are influenced by habits. We have a certain type of thought patterns. Our mind can be compared to a knife which is not sharp or a mirror which has dust on it. If we want to use the two things we have to sharpen the knife and wipe the mirror clean. That is what meditation will do. It sharpens our mind and makes it more sensitive and full of feelings. That is why it is very important to keep the mind quiet, passive and waiting
during meditation. So you can say meditation is intense listening of your inside.
Imagine you are listening to some day explaining to you some very important thing.
Your attention is focussed on what the person is telling and you concentrate to understand every word of it. But still you are passive and in a receiving state of mind.
At the same time if you are relaxed and not stressed you are approaching what is called meditative state.
It means when you meditate you are completely relaxed without having any stress, going deep inside you to get in contact with your higher selv and the God. The big difference between prayer and meditation is in prayer you are talking to God asking him for some favour. In meditation you listen to God. In the complete silence of meditation you hear God.
It is not imagination.
It is not escaping from the reality.
It is not just thinking things over.
It is very difficult to explain the meditative state. It is like explaining how it feels to be in love with a girl/man to somebody who has never tried to fall in love. You have to experience it. In the same way you have to experience to enter and feel the meditative state.
If we study our mind for a whole day, we will notice that our feelings and thoughts are influenced by habits. We have a certain type of thought patterns. Our mind can be compared to a knife which is not sharp or a mirror which has dust on it. If we want to use the two things we have to sharpen the knife and wipe the mirror clean. That is what meditation will do. It sharpens our mind and makes it more sensitive and full of feelings. That is why it is very important to keep the mind quiet, passive and waiting
during meditation. So you can say meditation is intense listening of your inside.
Imagine you are listening to some day explaining to you some very important thing.
Your attention is focussed on what the person is telling and you concentrate to understand every word of it. But still you are passive and in a receiving state of mind.
At the same time if you are relaxed and not stressed you are approaching what is called meditative state.
It means when you meditate you are completely relaxed without having any stress, going deep inside you to get in contact with your higher selv and the God. The big difference between prayer and meditation is in prayer you are talking to God asking him for some favour. In meditation you listen to God. In the complete silence of meditation you hear God.
hope you all like it ...........
Me firrrrst woohoo!
Well I dun have much time to comment my usuual long way lol...but I have meditated at our prayer's really's like listening to ur deeper soul...more than listening to God...cos I often talk to God when Im not even meditating...
take care st000nie...muahhhh!
By Keshi, at 10/08/2005 01:53:00 AM
hi baby .....!!!
mez 4th :(
By uttara, at 10/08/2005 05:15:00 AM
ok mez 3rd:)
By uttara, at 10/08/2005 05:15:00 AM
neva tried meditatin before :p lolz soundz interestin!!
By Michelle, at 10/08/2005 05:59:00 AM
Very nicely described....:)Meditation really helps like anything, i always do it before any new assignment even if its hardly for 10-15 mins.
By Anonymous, at 10/08/2005 07:53:00 AM
Hi baby….
Good post… lots n lots of gyan…
I know meditation is actually one of the best way to realise the tensions n stress…
I’ve an equally effective way… I call it Blogging ;-)
It is like explaining how it feels to be in love with a girl/man to somebody who has never tried to fall in love
Hmmmmm good 1 baby…
If we study our mind for a whole day, we will notice that our feelings and thoughts are influenced by habits
Another option… I’ll study the girlz mind and she would study mine… then we can exchange thoughts… there will be more motivation… indirect meditation and a possible probable romance ;-)
He he he he
Just kididng dear
In the complete silence of meditation you hear God
Ooooh is that so… I hear him other wise also…
He keeps telling Stop Flirting Puneet ;-)
It’s high time that I should listen to him…
Acha don’t get bugged… jokes apart…
I enjoyed it…
Dwedy had posted once about meditation…
Take care
By PuNeEt, at 10/08/2005 12:05:00 PM
Nice informative post and nice gal...the one doing some namaskar asana....
Work pressure and competition has taken our toll....n Meditation is the best to counter it... These days u cant even find a quiet place to meditate... Just relaxing some time before sleep when everything is quiet isnt a bad idea....
By Anbu, at 10/08/2005 12:58:00 PM
If that gal (first pic) teaches me how to meditate, then I think I will seriously learn the art of meditation ;)
For past couple of days...I was planning to do the same...and ur post came out at the right time pinchooo......
Lemme see if I can get hands on "How to meditate in 24hrs" somewere online
By Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr, at 10/08/2005 02:23:00 PM
am000nie starts meditating right at the center of st000nie's blog :)
By tulipspeaks, at 10/09/2005 09:46:00 AM
By anonimply, at 10/09/2005 04:32:00 PM
the purpose of meditation is to ward off all the ebulient thoughts from the mind, n try to focus it at a single point.
To gain control over ur wandering self.
remember the state of 'samadhi'.
As we've had a lot of discussion on God/Prayers already, me putting a period here. :)
By Invincible, at 10/09/2005 11:31:00 PM
Hiya Sissy!!! a very short tempered girl...n to get rid of tht...i did quite a lotta stuff...tried the Art of Living course by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar...and I've done meditation for a bit feels great when u are into it...but once u stop...u're gone!!! it happened to me...i had headaches, loss of concentration, restlessness nd stuff.....i guess i was wrong all i wanna add to ur post is:
Consult a professional before getting into all this....else it might take u somewhere else...i.e the other side of the coin!
Nice and informative post though!!
Muuuuuuuuuuuuahhh and hugzzzz!
By Łóòň Ġãĺ, at 10/09/2005 11:51:00 PM
meditation and me ...forget it...
lolzz... yeh once i remember going for a week with my friends .. just did time pass lolzz... this was long time back hmm..4-5 years back ...
but yeh one needs that inclination and motivation to do it.. i cant sit in one place for long meditation is not my cup of tea ;) .. yeh i will try doing it donno when ...lolzzz
its all about washing ur mind , cleaning it ...its difficult to explain it
You cannot drink the word "water " or the word "Rain" cannot make u wet must experience the word water n rain to know what the word means.
have a gr8 day dear ...
By uttara, at 10/10/2005 07:34:00 AM
Meditation is a great way of relaxing your mind and body. A perfect solution to stress management is to practice breathing techniques under the guidance of Yoga. I've learnt to integrate these strategies as a part of my routine life. It works wonders
By Dewdrop, at 10/10/2005 08:24:00 PM
Thought you'd like this
By Dewdrop, at 10/10/2005 08:26:00 PM
wowwwwww keshu babes u r 1st , hugss sweety , i miss u loads,meditation is soo relaxing re, i m tryinh it from quiet long now,i fint it really good n helpful when i m tensed
hugss sweety , me misssing u sooo badly ,,, n yess me missing hunkz pics more badly ..hehehhe
love ya muahh babez... come back with a BANGGGGGGGGGG
By strawy, at 10/10/2005 11:15:00 PM
z000mbie : thnx for ur comment.n ur Q now
****OK - one question - when u say "That is why it is very important to keep the mind quiet, passive and waiting
during meditation." --- what does "waiting" here mean - waiting for what?***
waiting here means ur mind shud be still... in full concentration...
hope u get my point
hugss mistyyy
By strawy, at 10/10/2005 11:18:00 PM
Uttara: muahh babes , hugsss n yess babez u r 3rd ..hehehe
michelle: just give a try,when ever u get time ,hugsss
southpaw:thnx dude,hope meditations helps u,hugss dude
By strawy, at 10/10/2005 11:20:00 PM
p000: lolzz p000,hugss dude
***I know meditation is actually one of the best way to realise the tensions n stress…
I’ve an equally effective way… I call it Blogging ;-)****
yeah i know read ur 100th post which u wrote on ur cellfone that too on 1st day of new office, u guys r suffering from bloggeria
**I’ll study the girlz mind and she would study mine**
dude do u think its so easy to study a galz mind... its more complicated then meditation i guess, all the best sweetu
thnx p00 , hugsss sweetu
By strawy, at 10/10/2005 11:25:00 PM
anbu :thnx anbu, u bet dude, i have tried it manytimes when i m stressed or tensed, i just go into my room ,play some really soothing music ,close my eyes.... i feel sooo relaxing,
hugss dude..
z000nie : lolzzz wat about asking pari ? ..hehehhee m damn sure u can never meditate then ..hehehhee
hugssssssss zuuuuu, missy missy ya re ...
divya : lolzz guds , om shanti shanti shanti... hugss gudsss
am000nie : muahh babez , hope the meditation helped ya ...howz u sweety , ya
By strawy, at 10/10/2005 11:30:00 PM
invincible :
***the purpose of meditation is to ward off all the ebulient thoughts from the mind, n try to focus it at a single point.
To gain control over ur wandering self. remember the state of 'samadhi'.***
nice said vinc000, n i fully agree with u ,yess v had a long discussion on GOD / PRAYER.... n i do believe in that n remember evrything u told me... hugss vinc000
miss talking to u boi..
By strawy, at 10/10/2005 11:33:00 PM
anonymous : ?????????????? wat was that ??
cheesy :cheesy if u r short tempered gal, believe me baby,meditation gonna help u alot,so just give a try baby..
***..i had headaches, loss of concentration, restlessness nd stuff.....***
its coz of lack of concentration or when u wakeup in the middle of meditation.. its common in the begining ,but later on u gonna enjoy it..hugss babez ...muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
By strawy, at 10/10/2005 11:38:00 PM
Uttara:hehe babez ,even i was thinking like that be4, that mez not that kind of gal who can ever concentrate for meditation n believe me babes it was not easy for me....but now i think i m on half way... just dont give up ...
hugsss ya babezzzz
Dewdy:heyy babez... u r rocking on ur blog... thnx for the comment,n yess i read ur post on YOGA, really nice post n quiet helping too... hugzz n thnx once again
By strawy, at 10/10/2005 11:42:00 PM
mmm meditation.. never tried it .. for me best way to release tension is swimming :)
nice informative post st000nie...
huggzzzzz :)
By :), at 10/11/2005 12:39:00 AM
lolzzz wat about asking pari ?
She's always ready with a magic wand in her hand to hit me on the I cant meditate for sure while she;s around :(
way to release tension is swimming
I need to learn this pretty soon...but till then, pls dont push me into the water if you eva get angry on me
Hehehe :)
By Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr, at 10/11/2005 05:50:00 AM
hows ya baby.....:)))))
miss ya
By uttara, at 10/11/2005 07:45:00 AM
Hugs birdy...yes it does helps a lot:)
By Anonymous, at 10/11/2005 11:20:00 AM
no tyme to read d entire thing,,but jus glanced thru...
i think dewdy had once written on sumfin similar..i think it was on not sure tho
as fo meditation im tooo restless to make my self sit down that way n i guess rite nw its mah age to enjoy :) i cnt get soo serious soo soon :P :P
but i do knw meditation helps.Atleast mum says so.
By --pearl--, at 10/11/2005 11:22:00 AM
the effects of meditation can be induced thru substance as well.I have tried both and so i know.Lsd gives you the same trip,infact more potent.And psychedelic drugs do help one to meditate.But the difference is 'control'.In meditation you are in control,with drugs they are.And that makes all the difference.
By Ashes, at 10/11/2005 12:58:00 PM
I read your blog.Why dont you stop blogging altogether?You have only one aim behind posting comments and that is your 'ego'. Did u really expect answers from strawy?A google search and using your own intelligence could have done , dont u think so?
Now next week come up with a new blog saying that you are reincarnated .
Zombie and fight? lollll
A match with u?You fight with someone who u think you can crumple.But you will lose out on a genuine and 'true' comments . Because you know that they can;t get back to you.If it was a real match you would be crowned winner of all fake personalities.What will u do other than ask your old and aged brother to hire a hitman and beat me up? That old fag cant lift himself off of the couch.
Atleast strawy writes her own posts, unlike you who copy pastes from other blogs.Now who is intelligent?
OK if u want to really fight with me , let me see if you can reply back to me..Because I know u wont:)
By anonimply, at 10/11/2005 06:46:00 PM
Oye st000nie....howdy babezz???
Missing ya...dunno why....just read tht u been tagged by p000....lemme be the first one to know as to when u post tht...heheee!! u know wht am gonna steal from ya.....;) ;)
i'll try meditation...but was actually plannin to go for somethin different like Tai chi kinds...LOL
cheerzzz sissy!!
By Łóòň Ġãĺ, at 10/12/2005 12:13:00 AM
Missing u baby...
thats enough of Meditation...
come back to the virtual world ;-)
By PuNeEt, at 10/12/2005 09:00:00 AM
lol puneet!
By Łóòň Ġãĺ, at 10/12/2005 12:47:00 PM
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